Gun Grabbing? Why Yes, I Was Just Thinking About That!

With gun control legislation coming to a head in Congress this week, I know you people are just dying to know my stance on the issue, right?

Ha. Of course not. You come to me for "sports" and I should keep my idiotic political opinions to myself.

Right. Check.

Okay then, I am not going to talk about guns, I'll talk about logic and emotion and instead.

First, emotion.

Emotionally, guns scare me. One pull of a trigger and basically, you or anyone you point it at is D-E-A-D.

Geezus. I can't handle thinking about that for more than a few seconds.

But logically, I know that it's very very very very important that I am permitted as an American citizen to own them. The reasons for this don't even need listing, because you know all the reasons by now.

Currently, I own zero guns. Well, check that. I own two pellet guns, an airsoft gun, and probably a few dusty squirt guns collecting spider webs in the garage.

I don't hunt. I have a robust alarm/security system. So I don't currently NEED any guns.

Yet, I am now going to go buy some guns. Three of them, in fact.

A short barrel shotgun. A handgun. And a sweet, sweet, scary-handle-with-all-the-military-trimmings looking semi-automatic "assault rifle."



Even if the current legislation goes nowhere, it is clear to many of us, that politicians who just want to "do something" after a terrible mass shooting and make themselves "feel better" by passing a law, are going to keep coming and keep coming after people like me who might want to own guns.

Therefore, buying three guns is a wise investment. Their "value" (both in real dollars and the intrinsic "ownership utility" of said instruments) is never going to be LOWER than it is right now.


I will learn to fire these guns at the range with my brother, who is very well versed in the ol' 2nd Amendment. I will take a course. I will lock them in a big ass safe somewhere very secure in my house. I will not worry for one second that they will fall into the hands of my kids by accident or that I will decide to "check out" one night just because I'm loopy on Captain n' Diets and Mike Shanahan just ran RG3 into a broken leg again.

Emotion and logic.

The emotion of the pro-gun-control crowd, is actually spurring logical people like me, to become gun owners for the first time.

So now they have me to deal with too.

Good work, everybody.

For you current gun owners, I am ready and open for buying suggestions. Try not to haze me too much for joining the club.

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