The PGA Tour Takes Corporate Idiocy To A Whole New Level

You know the expression: "He could screw up a two-car funeral?"

Meet the geniuses at the PGA Tour.

PGA Tour official Ty Votaw sent an e-mail to reporters on Thursday that said the PGA will "revoke the on-site credentials of all journalists affiliated with outlets that post play-by-play coverage, whether those posts are originating from tournament site or otherwise."

That's right, kids. Stop your damn FREE PROMOTION OF OUR PRODUCT!

/slaps forehead in exasperation

Apparently, the PGA Tour did not like the fact that a certain fan with the Twitter handle @TigerTracker had the audacity to pay for tickets to Tour events with Eldrick in the field, and then meticulously tweet details of every Tiger Woods shot, chip, and putt.

You know, stuff people might actually want to know.

The PGA Tour, no doubt anticipating a future world in which golf fans pay a nickel for every tweet they get about Jeff Overton's 2nd round at the Humana Challenge, is making a heavy play here to tamp down rogue tweeting and (I suppose) re-direct hard core fan interest to their own website, (Where they may just provide such lush, real time detail of every player from Steven Ames to Y.E. Yang.)

Never mind the fact that the PGA Tour just announced a "landmark" moment by allowing live computer streaming of weekend coverage of Tour events. Like a wayward drive, settling in on a steep cartpath, you know where this thing is heading - toward "All-the-time-and-anywhere" video access to the PGA Tour.

Which is great!

So why clamp down on mere bloggers? Because the Tour is a bunch of overpaid bureaucratic idiots.

A recent analysis of the PGA Tour's non-profit form-990 showed that the top-19 pencil pushers in Ponde Vedra took home a collective $23 million in salary! Hell, 10 of them are annual MILLIONAIRES!

Some stuff from the 2010 form-990 which covered the 2010 calendar and fiscal year...

1 TIMOTHY FINCHEM Commissioner 5,227,497
2 THOMAS WADE Exec VP Marketing 1,846,398
3 CHARLES ZINK Co-Chief Operating Officer 1,689,249
4 EDWARD MOORHOUSE Co-Chief Operating Officer 1,688,920
5 RONALD PRICE Exec VP/Financial 1,334,891
7 THOMAS PERRY SVP Human Resources 1,313,939
8 DAVID PILLSBURY President GCP & Champ Mgmt 1,009,107
9 SID WILSON Former VP Player Relations 1,002,440
10 TY VOTAW Exec VP Communications 997,575

I don't mean to get all "Occupy Wall Street" here, but you have to admire the structure of a business, errrr... charitable organiztion.... with "Co-COO's" at $1.6M per! (Wait until Moorhouse finds out ol' Zink makes $329 more per year than he does! And his parking spot is one space closer to the office!)

I guess you need two COO's, so one guy can cover when the other is out golfing.

So among the organizations beyond just uber-fans like @TigerTracker who are super pissed off and shaking their heads, are outlets like who do a liveblog of Tour events and majors. (Highly enjoyable!)
Look, we get where the Tour is coming from. The official broadcast partners pay big bucks for the rights to live tournament coverage, and the Tour wants to protect this valuable product. has Live@ streaming video and Shot Tracker and their own live blogs (see that, more promotion!). The Tour also announced earlier this week that it will be live-streaming its weekend broadcasts on and, and the executives from the Tour and CBS want people to tune in. But it's unrealistic to think they can force people to only tune in to officially sanctioned options for real-time updates. 
As proud as we are of our coverage, we realize that our live blog is a second screen, a complementary form of coverage that primarily serves to enhance the viewing experience of hardcore fans. Those who want to banter while they watch TV or an online stream may tune into our blog or check Twitter to get updates and see what our writers think, but few choose us exclusively.
Bans almost never work in sports media, and in this day and age, I guarantee this one has #fail written all over it.

But good job, Ty Votaw.

Take the afternoon off. You deserve it.

 The PGA Tour Takes Corporate Idiocy to a Whole New Level: Unpacking Decisions and Implications

In the world of sports, decisions made by organizations and governing bodies often come under scrutiny, especially when they appear to defy common sense. The statement "The PGA Tour Takes Corporate Idiocy to a Whole New Level" encapsulates the notion that some decisions can baffle and frustrate fans, players, and observers alike. This article dives into the significance of such decisions, explores their potential implications, and addresses frequently asked questions to provide a comprehensive understanding of this thought-provoking topic.

Navigating the Corporate Landscape

Sports organizations, including prestigious entities like the PGA Tour, operate within a complex web of corporate decisions, partnerships, and financial considerations. However, when decisions seem questionable or counterproductive, they can garner attention and criticism from various quarters.

Analyzing the Decisions

"The PGA Tour Takes Corporate Idiocy to a Whole New Level" suggests that the PGA Tour has made a decision that is both baffling and ill-advised. To better understand the implications, it's important to analyze the context, details, and potential consequences of the decision at hand.

Potential Factors Behind Corporate Decisions

Corporate decisions within sports often involve a combination of factors, including financial considerations, sponsorship agreements, broadcast rights, and fan engagement strategies. It's crucial to consider these factors when evaluating the reasoning behind a decision that may appear counterintuitive.

Implications for Players and Fans

Decisions made by sports organizations can have far-reaching implications for both players and fans. These decisions can affect the competitive landscape, player morale, fan engagement, and the overall perception of the sport.

Frequently Asked Questions about The PGA Tour Takes Corporate Idiocy to a Whole New Level

Q1: What kind of decisions are typically labeled as "corporate idiocy" in sports?

Decisions that are perceived as baffling, counterproductive, or lacking common sense can be labeled as "corporate idiocy." These decisions often go against the interests of players, fans, or the sport itself.

Q2: How do corporate decisions impact the integrity of the sport?

Corporate decisions that are perceived as misguided or counterintuitive can undermine the integrity of the sport by creating an impression that financial considerations are prioritized over fair play, competitive balance, or the interests of fans.

Q3: Can fans influence corporate decisions in sports?

Fans can influence corporate decisions to some extent through their reactions, feedback, and engagement. Public outcry or backlash can prompt organizations to reconsider decisions or clarify their reasoning.

Q4: What can sports organizations do to avoid corporate idiocy?

Sports organizations can avoid corporate idiocy by carefully considering the implications of their decisions, communicating transparently with stakeholders, and placing the long-term health and integrity of the sport at the forefront of their priorities.

"The PGA Tour Takes Corporate Idiocy to a Whole New Level" serves as a reminder that decisions made within the world of sports can have a significant impact and evoke strong reactions. While corporate decisions often involve complex considerations, it's important for sports organizations to maintain a balance between financial interests and the fundamental values of the sport. By doing so, they can ensure that decisions resonate positively with players, fans, and the broader community, fostering a sense of trust and integrity that underpins the world of sports.

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