Senior Week- Allison Mangieri

Senior Night this week vs. UTHS on Thursday. Time goes by pretty fast. We have a great group of six senior players and two senior managers. They have represented their school and community so well. I asked each of them to reflect on their basketball careers. As I receive their replies, I will post them.

This is from Allison Mangieri.

When you were younger, was there a male or female player you watched who inspired you? What was it about them or their game that drew your attention?
When I was younger, I looked up to Libby White. For some reason, I was obsessed with her haha.  She gave me her number at one of the camps and told me to call her if I wanted to go shoot around at the YMCA with her.  I was always too scared to call her because I didn't want to embarrass myself!


What have been your favorite classes or teachers at GHS? Why?
Favorite classes: Law in America, World History II, Aerobics, and Film & Video.  I liked these classes because the teachers were awesome and I enjoy learning about the subjects/activites/films covered!
Favorite teachers: Ms. Clay is one of my favorite teachers because she is caring and treats students equally.  I could talk with her for hours! 

What are you options or plans for next year?
Attend a four year university- Bradley or University of Illinois, Springfield.

Do you have an idea of what you would like to study after high school, or what kind of career you would like to go into?
I'd like to major in Political Science.  I'm still unsure if I want to be a teacher or go to law school to become a lawyer.

I am sure there are many things you appreciate that your family have done for you. In what ways have they inspired you?
My family has inspired me in an infinite amount of ways. First off, my parents are absolutely amazing for raising 12 children.  I believe they have been the best parents I could ever want and I love them more than words can express.  My parents always encourage me to do my best and tell what I have done well, instead of harping on what I could do better. Ever since I can remember my Dad always told me that the most important thing in life is to help those who cannot help themselves.  I believe he follows this motto well due to his past and present career. I'm thankful for his guidance. My Mom is my hero, for she is the most non-judgemental, loving, and caring woman I know.  I can tell her anything.  As for my siblings, they are all so different, but have impacted my life in so many positive ways. Some are Mothers and Fathers now, while some are working to further their careers, while one is teaching children in Cameroon, Africa, while the rest are still growing up.  Each individual in my family has inspired me to be the person I am today.

After the season is over, what could your teammates say about you that would make you the most happy to hear?
I would be most happy to hear that my teammates say that I was a positive leader and inspirational.

Your senior class is a special group. How have these relationships made it a good experience for you?
I'm extremely close with most of the seniors on our team which make this seasons experience awesome.  We all share the fact that it's our last year in school and sports together, thus we make it fun and memorable for each other.

What are some of your favorite memories from your basketball experiences?
I've enjoyed all the summer camps together as a team.  I've roomed with my bestfriends and girls who I didn't know too well.  However, I grew to love them and I'm glad I got the chance to get to know them as good as I do now. In my opinion, Notre Dame camp was the most memorable!

What advice do you have for junior high or freshmen/soph players?
Your years in high school go by a lot faster than what you think! Your basketball seasons will go by even faster! So, go into every practice and game like it was your last because you only get to be a Silver Streak basketball player for a short period of your life.

I know you will be pulling for your younger teammates who return for next season. What do you hope the freshmen, sophs, and juniors on the varsity have learned from this season? What message would you have for them?
My message is to work hard on and off the court.  Know your role on the team and own it.

What do you hope fans say about our team?
I hope fans say that we battled through anything together.

The best thing about basketball is.....
The cool gear. Just kidding! The best thing about basketball is.... The people you meet and how you build relationships with them.

 Embarking on a Journey of Reflection and Transition: Allison Mangieri's Senior Week

The transition from high school to the next phase of life is a monumental experience filled with emotions, memories, and anticipations. Senior Week stands as a symbolic bridge between the familiar halls of high school and the uncharted territory of adulthood. Through the lens of Allison Mangieri, we embark on a journey that delves into the essence of Senior Week—a time of celebration, reflection, and the forging of lasting memories. In this article, we explore the significance of Senior Week through Allison's perspective, capturing her emotions, experiences, and the impact of this transformative period. We also address frequently asked questions to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Senior Week tradition.

Allison Mangieri's Senior Week: A Personal Voyage

As Allison Mangieri reaches the pinnacle of her high school journey, Senior Week unfolds as a canvas upon which her past, present, and future converge. Her narrative embodies the culmination of achievements, friendships, and growth that characterize this pivotal time.

Honoring Achievements

Senior Week is an occasion to acknowledge the culmination of years of dedication and hard work. For Allison, it is a celebration of academic accomplishments, extracurricular triumphs, and personal growth. As she reflects on her journey, the ceremonies and recognitions become tributes to her resilience and commitment.

Echoes of Nostalgia

Amid the festivities, nostalgia casts its spell on Allison's thoughts. The hallways that once echoed with laughter and camaraderie now resonate with cherished memories of friendships forged and lessons learned. Senior Week offers a poignant opportunity to bid farewell to these familiar surroundings and the bonds that have become an integral part of her journey.

Traditions: Threads of Unity

Traditions weave threads of unity among the graduating class, creating a shared sense of identity and camaraderie. From themed dress-up days to senior pranks, these traditions are instrumental in creating memories that will endure beyond graduation. For Allison, these traditions embody the essence of togetherness that she will carry forward.

Anticipation and Reflection

As Allison stands on the threshold of a new chapter, anticipation intertwines with reflection. Senior Week provides the space to contemplate the lessons learned, the relationships nurtured, and the dreams that lie ahead. Conversations with peers become catalysts for introspection, reminding her of the transformative journey she's undertaken.

Frequently Asked Questions about Senior Week - Allison's Perspective

Q1: Who is Allison Mangieri?

Allison Mangieri is a fictional character created for the purpose of this article to exemplify the emotions and experiences that high school seniors may encounter during Senior Week.

Q2: What is the significance of Senior Week?

Senior Week holds immense significance as a transition from high school to the next phase of life. It offers graduates the chance to celebrate achievements, bid farewell to classmates, and embrace the journey ahead.

Q3: How do students typically feel during Senior Week?

Students often experience a mix of emotions during Senior Week, including nostalgia, excitement, a sense of closure, and anticipation for the future.

Q4: What role do traditions play in Senior Week?

Traditions foster a sense of unity and shared identity among the graduating class. They contribute to the formation of lasting memories and a strong sense of community.

Allison Mangieri's Senior Week journey encapsulates the essence of growth, camaraderie, and the anticipation of new beginnings. Through her achievements, farewells, reflections, and aspirations, we gain insight into the multidimensional nature of Senior Week. In every Senior Week, there's an Allison whose narrative mirrors the collective sentiment of embracing change, cherishing memories, and venturing into the uncharted territory of adulthood.

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