Red Pill, Blue Pill


Love the show and decided to take full advantage of the free email offer. I often text in, but now I have the added tool of a hilarious email address! I have an investment opportunity in Nigeria for you, but that can wait.

The yahoo merger came out of left field but makes perfect sense. Full access to their top tier talent and a forum for them to display it. Do you see this becoming something that can chip away at the ESPN marketshare and a rally call to F the ESPN and their family of crap, cause I am beating the drum on this. Confirming breaking news? WTF IS THAT?!?!? Love that Shefter, and Mort use "WE" when reporting anything, but they are almost always "CONFIRMING" and following Jay Glazer, with little or no mention of him.

I rarely watch SportsCenter, and along with several friends in the key graphic of 21-35 males, believe they have over-saturated the market, and have in fact Jumped the Shark. I know I have to go to the well to drink MNF, Sunday Night Baseball, and College Football, but from 6a.m.-4p.m is a smelly heap of overused graphics, highlight packages, and the voice of Colin Cowherd that literally makes my skin crawl.

I started listening to you 6 years ago, and much like the Matrix, i was like who are these douche lords to criticize ESPN. Well you sir, offered me the choice of the blue pill or the the red pill, I chose red and I gobbled it down faster then Rex Ryan at the Sizzlers All You Can Eat Rib Night. I have now seen the truth.

Brian,... errr I mean CzabesBaldSpot
Hope you dont take offense to the email address playful poke


The term red pill and its opposite, blue pill, are pop culture terms that have become a common symbol for the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red).
The terms were popularized in science fiction culture via the 1999 film The Matrix. In the movie, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill, with the red pill leading to his "escape" from the Matrix, a fictional computer-generated world, while the blue pill would allow him to remain in the world with no knowledge that anything is wrong.

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