Make the Call

Last nights game started with unusual events.

1- The ball is thrown up and tipped.

2- No one gets a clear tip so the ball is on the floor. It bounces off several players. And lands on the floor.

3- The Rocky girl who jumped, goes on the floor and grabs the ball. She looks for someone to pass to and finds no one.

4- Jessica Lieber dives in and ties her up.


First the refs were going to have Jessica jump with the girl she tied up.

Finally they ruled it Galesburg ball, saying Rocky had "possession."

What should they have done?

1- Jumped again with original two.
2- Jumped again with the two who tied up.
3- Given Galesburg the ball.

Not to give away the answer but there is no provision in high school ball where the two who tie up jump-- only in the NBA is there a provision for that.

Empowerment through Action: The Significance of "Make the Call"

In a world inundated with choices, decisions, and challenges, the ability to make informed and timely decisions is a skill that holds immense value. "Make the Call" is not just a phrase; it's a mantra that encapsulates the power of taking action, making decisions, and embracing the outcomes, whether they lead to success or valuable lessons. In this article, we will delve into the profound significance of "Make the Call," understanding its essence, benefits, applications, and addressing some frequently asked questions.

Part 1: The Essence of "Make the Call"
1.1 Understanding the Phrase

"Make the Call" is a call to action, an encouragement to step forward and make a decision rather than remaining stagnant. It embodies the spirit of taking charge of one's destiny, embracing responsibility, and recognizing that inaction often yields fewer results than well-considered choices.

1.2 Embracing Decision-Making

At its core, "Make the Call" is about embracing decision-making. It's an acknowledgement that decisions, even if challenging, are pivotal in shaping the direction of our lives, careers, and relationships. It's a reminder that progress is often initiated by a single decisive step.

1.3 Overcoming Fear and Indecision

Fear of failure and indecision can paralyze us, preventing us from moving forward. "Make the Call" challenges these barriers by encouraging us to confront our apprehensions, take calculated risks, and step out of our comfort zones.

Part 2: The Benefits of "Make the Call"
2.1 Building Confidence

Every decision we make contributes to our experience and growth. "Make the Call" fosters a sense of confidence as we navigate the outcomes of our choices, whether they result in success or setbacks.

2.2 Seizing Opportunities

Opportunities are often fleeting. "Make the Call" encourages seizing those moments rather than hesitating and potentially missing out on valuable chances for personal and professional advancement.

2.3 Cultivating Resilience

When we "Make the Call," we open ourselves up to both positive and negative outcomes. This cultivates resilience as we learn to adapt, recover from setbacks, and continue progressing despite challenges.

2.4 Learning through Action

"Make the Call" embraces the philosophy that action leads to learning. Even if a decision doesn't yield the desired outcome, the lessons learned from that experience are invaluable for future decision-making.

Part 3: Applications of "Make the Call"
3.1 Personal Growth

On a personal level, "Make the Call" can apply to decisions that impact our self-improvement journey. Whether it's embarking on a fitness regimen, pursuing a new hobby, or making lifestyle changes, taking that first step is crucial.

3.2 Professional Development

In the professional realm, "Make the Call" encourages career advancement. It might involve pursuing a new job opportunity, taking on challenging projects, or stepping into leadership roles that align with personal and professional goals.

3.3 Relationship Building

Relationships thrive on communication and action. "Make the Call" is applicable to nurturing connections—whether it's reaching out to friends, initiating difficult conversations, or fostering new relationships.

Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions about "Make the Call"
4.1 What if I'm unsure about the decision to make?

Uncertainty is natural, but sometimes it's better to make an informed decision rather than not deciding at all. Research, seek advice, and weigh the pros and cons. Remember that some decisions can be adjusted or reversed if necessary.

4.2 What if my decision leads to failure?

Failure is a part of growth. Embrace failures as learning experiences that contribute to your personal and professional development. Analyze what went wrong, make adjustments, and move forward with newfound knowledge.

4.3 How can I overcome fear of making the wrong choice?

Fear of making the wrong choice is common. Combat it by focusing on the potential benefits of your decision, reminding yourself that no decision is irreversible, and seeking support from mentors or friends.

4.4 Can "Make the Call" apply to group decisions?

Absolutely. "Make the Call" can be adapted to group decisions, encouraging collective action and collaboration. It emphasizes the importance of moving forward as a team rather than getting stuck in analysis paralysis.

4.5 What if I'm comfortable with the status quo?

Comfort can hinder growth. While it's important to appreciate stability, "Make the Call" encourages periodically reassessing your situation to ensure you're not missing out on opportunities for improvement and advancement.

"Make the Call" is more than just a phrase—it's a mindset that empowers us to take action, embrace decisions, and embrace the outcomes with courage and resilience. In a world where uncertainty can hold us back, this mantra propels us forward, reminding us that progress, growth, and transformation begin with a single step. By making the call, we participate actively in the narrative of our lives, shaping our own stories and creating a legacy of boldness and determination.

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