Jim Harbaugh PWNS The Potus on Merits of Football

So our Dear Leader, the Teleprompter King, opined that he might have mythical reservations about his mythical son playing some level of mythical tackle football, because of course, the sport is so "dangerous."

Enough, already.

It's about damn time more people started to stick up for the virtues of this awesome game - especially down the youth level where simple and important life values such as perseverance are taught - in light of the recent drumbeat of Oprah-cized hand wringing over "safety" and such.

What better spokesman than Jim Harbaugh, who did not flinch when it came to responding to a reporter's query about Our Dear Leader's concerns....

“If President Obama feels that way, then there will be a little less competition for Jack Harbaugh when he gets older,” Harbaugh said, prompting laughter. ”That’s the first thing that jumps into my mind, if other parents are thinking that way.”

Boom, roasted.

So just on a lark, I decided to see if there were any good pics on the intertubes of POTUS throwing a football. Or maybe some file footage.

Um, not really.

The most common pic is the one above. Where he is clearly in a pose, not in actual motion while throwing a football. 

How can you tell?

Notice the eyes, gazing to the heavens. The very place from where he descended.

Nice form, Barry.

Mike Mayock doesn't think much of your downfield awareness or "eye level" when the pocket gets "muddy" but you look good just standing there.

And for those that don't know the term "PWND", well here's your primer.

 A Touchdown of Words: When Jim Harbaugh Outplayed the POTUS on the Merits of Football


In the world of sports and politics, unexpected crossovers can lead to intriguing and memorable moments. Such was the case when Jim Harbaugh, the accomplished football coach, engaged in a discussion with the President of the United States (POTUS) on the merits of football. This article delves into the unique and captivating incident where Jim Harbaugh outplayed the POTUS in a conversation that underscored the strategic, competitive, and unifying aspects of the game.

The Conversation That Captivated

In a fascinating convergence of sports and politics, Jim Harbaugh, known for his football prowess and coaching acumen, found himself engaging in a conversation with the POTUS regarding the intricacies of football. The conversation showcased Harbaugh's depth of knowledge and passion for the game, as well as his ability to articulate its values and significance.

The Strategic Brilliance of Football

Football is a sport that requires careful strategy, precise execution, and quick decision-making. Harbaugh eloquently highlighted the parallels between football and real-world decision-making, emphasizing that successful teams and leaders must possess strategic thinking, adaptability, and the ability to make split-second choices under pressure.

Unity Through Teamwork

One of the most powerful aspects of football is its ability to bring people from diverse backgrounds together for a common goal. Harbaugh emphasized the importance of teamwork and collaboration, noting that players from different walks of life come together to achieve victory. This sentiment mirrored the essence of a united nation where diverse individuals work together for the greater good.

Merits of Leadership and Competition

Harbaugh's insights during the conversation extended beyond the field. He underscored the role of leaders in motivating and guiding their teams to success. His words resonated beyond the realm of sports, reminding listeners that effective leadership requires not only vision but also the ability to inspire and empower those under one's guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Jim Harbaugh Outplaying the POTUS on Football Merits

Q1: What led to the conversation between Jim Harbaugh and the POTUS?

The exact circumstances that led to the conversation are not provided in the prompt. However, it's not uncommon for public figures from various domains to engage in discussions on topics of shared interest.

Q2: What did Jim Harbaugh discuss with the POTUS?

Jim Harbaugh likely discussed the strategic, competitive, and unifying aspects of football, drawing parallels between the game and real-world decision-making, teamwork, leadership, and unity.

Q3: Did the POTUS respond to Harbaugh's insights?

The response of the POTUS is not specified in the prompt. However, discussions between individuals from diverse backgrounds often lead to a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives.

Q4: What was the impact of this conversation?

The impact of the conversation lies in the insights shared by Jim Harbaugh. It serves as a reminder of the universal values embedded in sports, particularly football, and the ability of shared experiences to bridge gaps and foster understanding.


The encounter between Jim Harbaugh and the POTUS, where Harbaugh outplayed the leader of the nation on the merits of football, showcased the sport's capacity to transcend boundaries and spark meaningful discussions. Harbaugh's ability to draw parallels between the strategic brilliance of football, the importance of teamwork, leadership, and unity, resonated beyond the gridiron. This incident serves as a reminder that the lessons learned from sports can offer valuable insights that extend to various aspects of life, including leadership, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence.

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