"If We Break Every Window In Benghazi.... They Can BILL US!"

God bless Bill Whittle.

If you wanted to dream about what a real and proper presidential response to that attack on Americans on the anniversary of 9/11 would have looked and sounded like... well, here it is.

Meanwhile our celebrity Teleprompter-King was more worried making the bad guys mad at us, then sent out a surrogate to lie through her teeth to the American public - just in case this little messy thing involving 4 brave Americans' deaths might impact his-re-election.

Watch this 1:45 interlude, then re-wind and watch it all. Then send it to anybody who might have an open mind.

Whittle first caught my eye back in 2004, when he wrote a number of essays on a blog called Eject!Eject!Eject!.com.

One them was masterful in pointing out how the modern smug liberal will almost always default to claiming a Republican - any one will do, the facts don't matter - is "duhhhrrrr STOOOPID!"

Like Bush 43.

Whittle launched a volley of heat-seeking logic rockets....
George W. Bush is not stupid. It's not possible to be a moron and fly a supersonic jet fighter, and everyone knows it.
What George W. Bush is, however, is inarticulate. English is his second language. From what I can see he does not have a first language. Abraham Lincoln spoke in simple frontier language in an age of rhetorical flourish. Like Bush, he was considered a bumpkin and an idiot, and like Bush, he realized that there were times when having people misunderestimate you repeatedly was a real advantage. That's goal-oriented. That's playing the deep game. That's cunning.
I personally have gotten to the point where Bush's malapropisms cause me to look at the floor and shake my head with an affectionate smile, in much the same way supporters of his predecessor used to do with every new revelation of coerced sex from former employees. He is what he is. But he is a damn sight more intelligent than the graphic designer in the Mini Cooper with the Village Idiotsticker.
Me, personally, I look at the man's entire catalog of flaws in the same way Lincoln looked at Grant and his drinking: I can't spare this man. He fights.
So to me, anyway, given the above information I feel that anyone calling President Bush a moron and an idiot comes off sounding like, well, a moron and an idiot.

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